Here are a few suggestions for ways to spend longer times in prayer:
– Go to a place where you will be undistracted. Do not bring your phone.
– Tell God your desire to grow in your ability to spend longer times in prayer with him, and ask the Holy Spirit to teach, help and stretch you.
– Have a centering phrase to say every time you realize your mind has wandered, because it will. For example, “Lord, I place myself before You.”
– Group the lists of people you’d like to pray for into categories and pray Scripture over one group at a time – e.g., unbelievers, family, those in ministry, etc.
– Review your last week or month, asking God to show you where He was pleased with your life/actions and where He was displeased. Praise Him and/or confess as needed.
– Write each of the areas of your biggest priorities/responsibilities on a 3×5 card. Slowly go through the stack of cards, dedicating each area to God. Ask Him to show you what it would look like for Him to be honored in each area.
– Make a list of the things that take up most of your emotional energy – e.g., anger at your boss, worry over a child, excitement over a new opportunity, etc. Think through each negative emotion and ask God to help you get to the bottom of your anger, fear, or anxiety. Pray for the ability to hand them over to God and live in submission and trust in Him. Pray through the list of positive or energizing emotions and ask for the strength and humility to praise God and give Him the glory for all of the good in your life.
– Read slowly through Psalm 139:23-24 and pray over each little thought that God brings to mind.
Remember that the determining factor in whether you spend time in prayer is your desire to do so. For thousands of years, people all over the world – living in a multitude of circumstances – have made time to connect with God in prayer. You can too!