September 4, 2020

Sep 4, 2020

Happy Friday.
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Paul, Galatians 5:22f
My occasional comments about joy always generate feedback. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Who doesn’t want more joy? So let me back up and make a bold and basic comment about joy. It follows a life yielded to God. When Paul scribbled down a list of the benefits of submitting to Him, joy was second on the list, right behind love. Why do we look elsewhere – to money, power, fame, sex, etc. – for what we want most, when we are told how to find it? The life of joy is a life yielded to Him.

Goldilocks: In his book The Goldilocks Enigma, Paul Davies lays out “the argument by design” – i.e., the “proof” for the existence of God that is also referred to as the anthropic principle, the watchmakers argument, intelligent design and the teleological argument. He explains his title this way: “Like the porridge in the tale of Goldilocks and the three bears, the universe seems ‘just right’ for life in many intriguing ways.” When I was in my 20s and 30s, I found arguments from design very persuasive. In my 40s and 50s (FYI: I am still in my 50s, if only for a few months), I found myself moved more by the beauty of Jesus. However, from time to time I return to some of the reasons to believe, there was a mind behind all of this. It appears that the same science that “demythologized” nature (thus taking God away), is bringing Him back. The more we learn, the more the universe points to a complexity that is impossible to imagine outside an intelligent creator. For more on this click here, and you will be taken to chapter four from Fence Post One – a book I wrote ten years ago. Pay attention to argument number two.

Quotes Worth Requoting:

  • Culture is the root of politics, and religion is the root of culture. Richard John Neuhaus
  • Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  • How sure are we that 2020 hasn’t been directed by M. Night Shyamalan? Sammy Rhodes
  • Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • What do I lose when I have a praying life? Control. Independence. What do I gain? Friendship with God. A quiet heart. The living work of God in the hearts of those I love. The ability to roll back the tide of evil. Essentially, I lose my kingdom and get His. Paul Miller
A COVID Baby Boom? When Sheltering-in-place became the norm in March, many suggested maternity wards would be full in December. This Brookings piece  says no. The author claims spikes in births seldom follow black outs. He actually argues that the economic downturn means we should expect 300,000 to 500,000 fewer children.

Absorb Someone Else’s Pain: Those who study history know that things have been bad in the past. Much worse than today. But, today’s tension meter is rising, and it will likely do so up to the election and beyond. Want to be part of the solution? 1) Listen to those who are scared and in pain. You do not need to solve anything, just allow them to feel heard. And 2) do not swing back. As Solomon notes, a gentle answer turns away wrath (Proverbs 15:1). Make up your mind right now that you will willingly absorb five cheap shots a day. If you listen and respond in kindness, you help take some of the animas out of the equation.

Labor Day: On Monday we will honor America’s work force by giving them time off. If that wasn’t ironic enough, we will call it, “Labor Day.” Of course these things are not a problem. What is, is that too few see work as worship, and many embrace a sacred / secular divide that has no place in God’s kingdom. Monday and Sunday are linked. It’s all His. Everything and every part of every day belongs to God and He cares deeply about what you do and how you do it. And that is true whether you are teaching a class, making widgets or leading Bible Studies. (For more on this, catch Ben Dockery’s sermon this weekend. BTW, Ben, who did his PhD in Leadership, is active in Made to Flourish, a ministry that promotes the dignity of work).

Hamilton Fans: If you enjoyed Hamilton – and prefer high church liturgy – you will want to watch this.

Reading: What are people reading during the pandemic? According to this article in the WaPo, dystopias, social justice books and steamy romances.

Closing Prayer: Lord, I trust You completely; I am altogether Yours; I exalt You above all. I desire that I may feel no sense of possessing anything outside of You. I want constantly to be aware of Your overshadowing presence and to hear Your speaking voice. I long to live in restful sincerity of heart. I want to live so fully in the Spirit that all my thoughts may be like sweet incense ascending to You and every act of my life may be an act of worship. Therefore, I pray in the words of Your great servant of old, “I beseech Thee to cleanse the intent of mine heart with the unspeakable gift of Thy grace, that I may perfectly love Thee and worthily praise Thee.” And all this I confidently believe You will grant me through the merits of Jesus Christ Your Son.  Amen. A.W. Tozer

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