December 11, 2020

Dec 11, 2020

Blessed are the poor in spirit.
Jesus, Luke 6
I prefer Luke’s Sermon on the Plain to Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount. In the second – which is far more famous – Jesus says, “Blessed are the poor.” I am either too much of a capitalist – or just too wealthy – to be comfortable affirming poverty per se. But the truth is, even Luke’s words are disruptive. Riches are not evil – as Abraham and Lot demonstrate. But they are an enormous temptation to self-sufficiency, which is both a lie and a path to destruction.

Qualified: A study recently announced that only 18 percent of pastors feel qualified to lead at this moment. Count me among those who would like to meet one of the 18 percent.

Book(s) of the Year: My nomination for easy-yet-profound is Brant Hansen’s Unoffendable. My nomination for challenging-but-worth-it is Robert George’s Conscience and Its Enemies.

The Paradise Tree: Count me among the five year old boys who – after being reprimanded for bringing sticks into the home – was confused when my dad moved a tree into our living room. Why do we do it? I mean, what does an evergreen tree have to do with Jesus or Santa?  If you’re curious, you can read the history of the Paradise Tree here.

Sign of the Apocalypse: Breakdancing will be an Olympic sport starting in 2024.

Values: Many now value “being true to themselves” over “being a good person.” Indeed, some would suggest that being “authentic” is the highest good. Those who take an honest look deep inside know this is a bad plan. As C.S. Lewis wrote, “For the first time I examined myself with a seriously practical purpose. And there I found what appalled me; a zoo of lusts, a bedlam of ambitions, a nursery of fears, a harem of fondled hatreds. My name was Legion.”

The Humiliation of God: Dorothy Sayers, an English playwright (and friend of C.S. Lewis), once said that God went through three great humiliations: 1) at the incarnation, when He surrendered deity to embrace humanity; 2) at the cross, when He was mocked, beaten and killed; and 3) at this moment, when He allows us to be His representatives on earth.

Without Comment: 1) Advances in neurological imaging mean what we understand about the brain is doubling every 18-24 months; 2) 69% of American children are born into a house with no college graduates; 3) Trust – which is the ratio of how many times you have been betrayed versus how many times the plan was followed – is at historic lows; 4) In conversations, Americans grow uncomfortable after a four second silence, the Japanese are comfortable up to eight seconds.

Freedom of Worship: The phrase Freedom of Worship is often code for the opposite – i.e., some who use it are implying that religion must be confined to worship spaces (in a church or your home) and not allowed in the public square. What we are after is Freedom of Religion, which means not only that we are free to choose what we believe, but that we are free to practice our faith and advocate for our views.

Quotes Worth Requoting: “If you live for people’s acceptance, you will die from their rejection.” Lecrae (whose comments on race cost him 30,000 social media followers in a single day)

Mary Did You Know?: In his newsletter, Mark Galli asks, “What Did Mary Know? and When Did She Know It?” and then directs us to this Christmas song by Pentatonix, an acappella group.

Closing Prayer: I pray you, good Jesus, that as you have given me the grace to drink in with joy the Word that gives knowledge of you, so in your goodness you will grant me to come at length to yourself, the source of all wisdom, to stand before your face forever. Amen. (Bede, The Venerable, 672-735)

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