Happy Friday:
No longer do I call you servants, but I have called you friends.
Jesus, John 15:15
Who am I? Among the many ways I might be described – husband, dad, son, pastor, male, child of God, sinner, saint, sixty-year old, exile, believer, disciple, slave – one of the most shocking has to be: friend of God. To be clear, Christ’s statement in John 15 does not mean that God is “my buddy.” Nor does it imply that I am God’s friend in the same way that He is mine. (He does not need me like I need Him). But He does call me friend. Amazing.
Marriage Matters: One of the more surprising, controversial and overlooked points UVA sociologist Brad Wilcox makes in his many discussions about family life, is that marriage is needed less to formalize romantic ties between a husband and wife than it is to bind fathers to their children.
Stuck in the Present: Last week I interviewed Dave Moore about his new book – Stuck in the Present: How History Frees and Forms Christians. That interview is available here.
Trending: I’m fielding more eschatology questions lately – e.g., “Mike, don’t you think the end is near? Mike, what do you make of the mark of the Beast? Mike, are you surprised that things are heating up in the Middle East? etc. Having been a pastor for over thirty years, I ’ve had time to rehearse my answers. 1) Relax. While I find the book of Revelation (and Daniel, Ezekiel, etc.) to be pretty challenging to interpret, one thing is clear, Jesus wins! His kingdom will come! There is no need for alarm. 2) For the last 2,000 years, someone has always been saying, “This is it. The world ends tomorrow.” For His part, when Jesus was asked about the end, He said, “No one knows the hour or day, not the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father;” and 3) You will be better off if you avoid those who suggest that “last month’s blood moon” or their new insight into Revelation 20, makes it clear that Jesus will return next Thursday. Walk away, find a Bible, and start rereading the Sermon on the Mount.
Speaking of Trending: Last week I commented on how many articles had started to appear about legalizing psychedelics. This week three other topics become “hot.”: De-transitioning, UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, formerly known as UFOs) and rising housing prices. BTW, since I have frequently commented on demographic trends, I will not say more. But if you want to read from someone who thinks our baby dearth spells the end, click here. And if you want to read the counter point, click here.
Contentment: I was recently reminded what a great example Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation – which can be found here – provides us. If Lincoln could find ways to be thankful during the height of the Civil War, what excuse do we have?
The Last Word: Years ago I heard Dallas Willard say that he was working on “not having the last word in a contentious conversation.” I’m working on that now. It’s hard.
Acts 2: A friend recently pointed out how shockingly new and radical Acts 2:1 seemed when he read it last Sunday – which was Pentecost. It reads: When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place.
ADD: Speaking of comments by friends, another noted that he keeps reminding himself that his ADD means, “Apologize Don’t Defend.” Ouch, that hits a bit too close to home.
Question of the Week: What was I worried about last month?
Closing Prayer: Father, you are love, and you see all the suffering, injustice and misery which reign in this world. Have pity, we implore you, on the work of your hands. Look mercifully on the poor, the oppressed, and all who are heavy laden with error, labor and sorrow. Fill our hearts with deep compassion for those who suffer, and hasten the coming of Your kingdom of justice and truth, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (Eugene Bersier – 1831–1889).