Happy Friday,
But we prayed to our God and guarded the city day and night to protect ourselves.
Nehemiah 4:6-9
Some Christians act as if prayer is all that matters. More claim that prayer matters, but pray little. Nehemiah modeled a third path. During his efforts to lead the Jews in rebuilding the wall – which they worked on day and night, including while being attacked – he led the people in praying and acting. We must do both.
Technology: Technology is not neutral. It changes what we do and how we do it. More importantly, it changes us. This does not mean it is bad. Hardly. Medical technology kept me alive several years ago, and without computer technology you would not be able to read this. I’m simply reminding myself (and you) to stop underestimating the way tech is forming (and malforming) us. If you’ve not already read Andy Crouch’s book, The Tech Wise Family, you need to. If you have, it might be time to read it again.
Marriage: Tim Keller recommends that each spouse say to the other, “I will treat my selfishness as the main problem in this marriage.” He also notes that suggesting your spouse embrace his advice is a bad idea.
Yes: In last week’s Update, I pushed back on former Governor Cuomo’s claim that government is the best vehicle for social change. In that piece, I argued that the family was more important. Alas, I should have also championed the church. I had it in my first draft, but pulled it for some reason. My bad. The truth is, God ordained three institutions – the family, the church and government – to shape society. We need all three. And, I think we need them in that order.
Overheard: It is hard to make new old friends.
Skepticism but Not Cynicism: My chief reason for dismissing conspiracy theories is that I’ve yet to find the company (or government agency) with the competence to pull one off. Furthermore, I’m quite sure that if they did, they could not keep it a secret. To be clear, I think we are right to be skeptical of what we are told by government agencies, big business and others. We have been lied to in the past. But while skepticism is healthy, cynicism is not.
Perspective: As is often the case, even though he has been dead for almost sixty years, C.S. Lewis has helpful insights on how to navigate the events of the day. You can find his brief article – On Living in an Atomic Age – here.
Signs of the Times: This piece from The NYT, makes note of Harvard’s appointment of an atheist as their new chief chaplain. Though I disagree with some of what is reported, there is much in the piece to ponder.
Shame: Jeremiah laments that the people of his day had lost their ability to blush (Jer. 6:15). We have as well. But I wonder if there is an opportunity here. If it is popular to show no shame, it should be easier to stand with Paul when he announces that he is not “ashamed of the Gospel.” (Rom. 1:16) BTW, it may help to expect to be booed. The church has lost whatever home field advantage we previously had. That means we are the visiting team. And visiting teams often get booed. It is hardly the worst thing. Let’s just be sure we are getting booed for the right things. Often we are booed for good reason.
Sex, Sex, Sex: Our rejection of God’s sexual ethic has led to hard hearts, ubiquitous pornography, a marriage recession and the trafficking of young girls. It has also led to less sex, less happiness and fewer babies. It would seem as though we took a wrong turn.
Prayer Request: I encourage you to use the unfolding events in Afghanistan as a call to prayer. Many need hope and a path to safety. Leaders need wisdom. Pray for the Lord to use the evil for good. Pray also for our troops and for the ongoing needs of the underground Afghan church.
Closing Prayer: Lord God, our Father. You are the light that can never be put out; and now you give us a light that shall drive away all darkness. You are love without coldness, and you have given us such warmth in our hearts that we can love all when we meet. You are the life that defies death, and you have opened for us the way that leads to eternal life. None of us is a great Christian; we are all humble and ordinary. But your grace is enough for us. Arouse in us that small degree of joy and thankfulness of which we are capable, to the timid faith which we can muster, to the cautious obedience which we cannot refuse, and thus to the wholeness of life which you have prepared for all of us through the death and resurrection of your Son. Do not allow any of us to remain apathetic or indifferent to the wondrous glory of Easter, but let the light of our risen Lord reach every corner of our dull hearts. Amen. (Karl Barth – 1886-1968)