Happy Friday,
Count it all joy when you experience trials.
While many think they’ve cut a deal with God – i.e., in return for believing in him, he will ensure that nothing unpleasant happens to them – no such deal exists. Those who read the Bible should know this, if for no other reason there are lots of passages like the one cited above. Indeed, one of the insights we should gain from Scripture is that what we label as bad is almost always an opportunity to grow. The fact is, God not only cares more about our character than our comfort, we often come to see the wisdom of his actions. Stop viewing suffering as an interruption to God’s plans and learn to see it as an opportunity to grow instead.
Be On Guard: Today is April 1st, so be prepared for related hijinks, such as any newsletters that promise to pay you a million dollars for sending their Friday postings to others.
Strategic Nukes: A few weeks back, I questioned the term “strategic nuclear weapon” because I felt the second word completely eclipsed the first. More than a few reached out to say that while the bumper sticker may be accurate – i.e., “One nuclear bomb can ruin your whole day” – there actually are “smallish” nuclear bombs. Perhaps they are right. I’m hoping and praying to remain uninformed about the matter. (As an aside, here is a 2 minute animated video showing how many nukes are out there, and who has them.)
Quotes Worth Requoting: We should live in such a way that our lives wouldn’t make sense if the Gospel were not true. Dorothy Day; 2) Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke; 3) Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. Thomas Jefferson.
It Seems to Me That: 1) Putin’s miscalculations demonstrate that civil liberties are not just moral goods, they are political ones as well. When people lose their freedom to speak, gather or worship, those oppressing them eventually lose touch. And as they grow increasingly out of touch, bad things will happen; 2) The reason universities are moving to the left may have less to do with the ideologies of the faculty and more to do with the actions of the administrators; 3) While the opportunity to Zoom is wonderful, a growing number of events will be limited to those who show up in person.
C3 < C2 < C1: When you find yourself in a disagreement, it’s important to know what you are up against. Cynics (C3) believe those who disagree with them are evil (consequently they seldom thoughtfully engage in what is being discussed); Contrarians (C2) disagree with you because they delight in saying “up” anytime you say “down; and Critical Thinkers (C1) are those who actually assess the merits of various perspectives. There are not many C1s out there. Perhaps just you and me. And, honestly, I’m not so sure about you. (BTW, did you critically think about your style before deciding that you were a Critical Thinker?)
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Word of the Week: Though far more important things happened this week, I suspect The Slap is the phrase we’ve added to our lexicon. I have little to say about the Fresh Prince’s actions, so I’ll use this entry to note that very few people could be bothered to watch either the films being honored or this year’s Academy Awards. The movies appear to be losing their battle against home entertainment.
Without Comment: 1) 52 million Americans (31.9 %) earn less than $15 per hour; 2) According to the JAMA, nearly 30% of US adolescents meet the criteria for pre-diabetes, up from 12% in 2002; 3) About nine million children are sponsored by Christian ministries. Collectively they receive $3 billion annually; 4) More than 4 million Ukrainians – 10% of the population – have fled their country since Russia’s invasion; 5) The president of Disney’s General Entertainment Content announced plans to increase the number of LGBTQIA (and other underrepresented minorities) to 50% of their animated characters; 6) A growing percentage of college students believe that free speech is a dangerous idea.
Favorite Movie Scenes: In my quest to offer you a few minutes of levity, inspiration or distraction, I am moving from SNL skits to iconic movie moments. Here is the moment Tom Hanks breaks radio silence in Apollo 13; 2) Here is the moment Adrian tells Rocky to “win” in Rocky 2; and 3) Here is the moment the pilot changes the plane’s call sign in Air Force One.
Left Overs: In response to last week’s Update: 1) One reader suggested that the 2 Peter passage I opened with not only serves as a guard rail for our social media postings, but also for parents at their children’s sporting events; and 2) Another noted that the idea that “freedom and equality live in tension” reminded her that in Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl suggested the US should erect a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast (to balance the Statue of Liberty on Staten Island).
Small Groups: In this episode of the Good Faith podcast, David French and Curtis Chang interview Jonathan Tjarks, a 30 year old sports writer suffering from cancer. Jonathan’s situation came to their attention after he posted this article in The Ringer. I find several aspects of this story interesting. I bring it to your attention because in the podcast, Tjarks makes a strong case for church small groups. (You were created for community.)
Closing Prayer: O, crucified Jesus! in whom I live, and without whom I die; mortify in me all sensual desires; inflame my heart with your holy love, that I may no longer esteem the vanities of this world, but place my affections entirely in you. Let my last breath, when my soul shall leave my body, breathe forth love to you, my God; I entered into life without acknowledging you, let me therefore finish it in loving you; O let the last act of life be love, remembering that God is love. Amen. (Richard Allen – 1760 – 1831)