New Rules (NR)

Sep 22, 2022

Happy Friday,

May they be one as we are one…. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.

Jesus, John 17

In the hours before his death, Jesus was uniquely concerned about two matters: The unity of his followers and their commitment to the truth. It is worth noting that he did not pray, “Thy word is A truth” – as if we can all have our own. He prayed “Thy word is THE truth. It is also worth noting that claims to THE truth promote divisions not unity. And yet, a loving unity around THE truth is what he prayed for. May we find ways to balance a tireless commitment to “the faith once proclaimed” (Jude 1:3) with a gracious and joyful humility – so that we may be one.

Why Such Authoritarianism? A few weeks ago, a reader suggested I choose authoritarianism as the Word of the Week (WOTW). I did not, but I might have. In this four minute video – which I highly recommend – David Brooks has a few things to say about authoritarianism and his journey to faith in Christ.

Without Comment: The U.S. recently surpassed one million organ transplants; 2) Samaritan’s Purse is now a billion dollar per year charity; 3) COVID is losing its pandemic status; 4) Though it has less than one tenth of one percent of the world’s population, Israel ranks second in the world in high tech research and development; 5) A federally appointed medical panel now recommends that doctors screen all U.S. adults under the age of sixty-five for anxiety; 6) U.S. Census data suggests that the three cities in which spouses are “the most unfaithful” are all in Texas – Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston; 7) A study released by Ligonier Ministry claims that 43% of self-described evangelicals believe that Jesus was “a great teacher, but not God,” up 13% in two years; and 8) This study suggests there are 20 quadrillion ants in the world.

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Quotes Worth Requoting: 1) We find time for the things that are important to us. Period. Scott Douglas, Running Times; 2) Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ. St. Jerome

Question: When did you last change your mind about something significant?

A Sane Word About the Insanity of the Moment: I had a chance to interview Bonnie Kristian about her new book, Untrustworthy: The Knowledge Crisis Breaking Our Brains, Polluting Our Politics, and Corrupting Christian Community. I am thankful not only for her clear thinking about what is going on, but also about the solutions she is advocating. You can listen here.

It Seems to Me That: The Abraham Accords were a more significant accomplishment than initially reported.

It was a Joke: Several weeks ago, I made a passing comment about my commitment to use the Christ Church jet less often. It was a joke. I am tempted to say something snarky like, “Sheri and I own the G-4 we fly around in.” But I fear that may also be misunderstood. There is no jet. There is not even a church van. And FWIW, I drive an eight-year-old Hyundai.

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News Rules (NR): Last week I shared NR #1 – it was: Bible Before Headlines. By this I meant, have your quiet time and align your heart before you glance at the news. We need to do this to be sure we are seeing the world through the lens of the Gospel, not the Gospel through the lens of the news. This week’s rule is: No alerts. For a while my phone chirped with “pressing”updates that were of no importance whatsoever. I turned them all off, believing that if something really important is happening I’ll hear about it soon enough. In the meantime, I am better off with silence.

Insights from Bob Newhart: I wonder if the team of experts calling for an anxiety screening remembers Bob Newhart’s simple advice, which you can find here.

Missing the Point: I recently heard someone lament that “In this post-truth world, anything is ‘thinkable,’ but nothing is decidable.” I get his point, but I think the more relevant observation is that “While many things are thinkable, not everything is doable. And some of what is doable is not sustainable.” Just as it is possible to hold a beach ball underwater for a while, it is possible to keep reality at bay. But only for so long. Eventually reality wins.

Closing Prayer: I am communing with fire. Of myself, I am but straw but, O miracle, I feel myself suddenly blazing like Moses’ burning bush of old…. You have given me your flesh as food. You who are a fire which consumes the unworthy, do not burn me, O my Creator, but rather slip into my members, into all my joints, into my loins and into my heart. Consume the thorns of all my sins, purify my soul, sanctify my heart, strengthen the tendons of my knees and my bones, illumine my five senses, and establish me wholly in your love. Amen. (Symeon Metaphrastes – 900 – 987)

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