May the Party Continue

Apr 13, 2023

Happy Friday

Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.

Jesus, John 17:17

My grandparents held views that embarrass me. Yours likely did as well. There is a lot of that going around. Indeed, the views expressed on the editorial pages of the NYT fifty years ago – and in some cases five years ago – are anathema to those writing editorials today. Have you thought about what this means? Unless society suddenly freezes in place – and this cultural moment is recognized as the be-all and end-all always and forever – your views today may embarrass the you of five years from now. We need a perspective from above and outside our culture. “Thy word is truth.”

May the Party Continue: Anglican Bishop and prolific author, N.T. Wright, thinks we get Easter wrong. He argues that if Lent is “40 days of fasting and gloom” Easter should be at least a week-long festival, “including champagne after morning prayer as well as lots of alleluias and extra hymns.” I’m not sure my idea of a party lines up with Wright’s, but if we are going to be Easter people the resurrection of Jesus needs to be celebrated 24x7x365. He is Risen!

Freedom: It’s now common to think that more choices equals more freedom, and that more freedom is both a human right and a greater good. Reality disagrees. It appears that we can only entertain a certain number of variables before we grow anxious. Sometimes less really is more.

Five Apologies: Last year Gary Chapman – whose book The Five Love Languages has become an industry – rolled out The Five Apology Languages: The Secret to Healthy Relationships. Because I think some authors overwork an idea (Did you enjoy Chicken Soup for Left Handed Junior Varsity Wrestlers?), I was not predisposed to like the book. But I do. It turns out that we say – and hear – apologies very differently. Some want the guilty party to Express Regret, others want them to: Accept Responsibility, Make Restitution, Plan Change, or Request Forgiveness.

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Quotes Worth Requoting: 1) Never miss a good opportunity to shut up. Will Rogers; 2) In order to change the sex culture, we need a technology that discourages short-termism in male sexual behavior, protects the economic interests of mothers and creates a stable environment for the raising of children. We already have such a technology, even if it is old, clunky and prone to periodic failure. It’s called monogamous marriage. Louise Perry¹ 3) He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. John Stuart Mill.

ResourcesResources: 1) Here is a link to last Sunday’s Easter message (from John 20); 2) Here is a link to this week’s podcast interview with Gordon MacDonald (GMAC as he signs his emails, is a past president of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and the author of many books, including Ordering Your Private World); and 3) Here is a link to sign up for the morning devotions – which are about five minutes long. On Monday I start a new series on Hebrews that will last several months.

The Questions of the Decade: In my interview with MacDonald, he listed the question we should ask in each decade of life. 1) In our 20s: What will I do with my life and who will I do it with? 2) In our 30s: How do I get organized to be effective? 3) In our 40s: How do I deal with the challenges I’m facing from growing children, aging parents and a demanding career? 4) In my 50s: How do I reorganize my life to make sense of the 20-30 years I have left? 5) In my 60s: How much longer can I keep doing what I am doing? 6) In my 70s: How do I live with the loss I’m experiencing? and 7) In my 80s: What will heaven be like and am I ready to go there?

Without Comment: 1) The U.S. (population 331M) has 800K law enforcement officers and 80K IRS agents. That is 0.24% and 0.024% respectively. 2) Undergraduate enrollment – which dropped 8% between 2019 and 2022 – is not rebounding as expected, suggesting that some who dropped out due to COVID are opting out for good; 3) As this piece explains, the number of part-time employees in the U.S. is growing. There are now 22M Americans choosing to work less than full-time.

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Clean Up: Last week I said that the 39 books in the Christian Old Testament are captured in the 24 books in the Jewish Scriptures because of: the contractions of I & II Samuel, I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles, and the contraction of the 12 minor prophets into one book. Alas, I failed to mention that they combine Ezra and Nehemiah as well. I appreciate those of you who assumed my math error was an April Fools’ joke. It was not. But I do reserve the right to play April Fools’ jokes on random Fridays throughout the year.

Sucker for a Good Chart: If you share my love of charts, here are ten you’ll want to check out.

Lord: We have good reasons to refer to Jesus as our Savior. But it’s worth noting that the New Testament writers call him Lord a lot more often. How much more often? The ratio reads as follows: Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Savior. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Savior

WOTW: Honorable mention goes to: microcredentials (the new fad in Higher Ed); kin famine (what more and more Chinese are experiencing as they end up without any relatives); catastrophism (from this WSJ article – behind pay wall); stick-to-it-tivity (coined by Walt Disney and memorialized in this song), and bespoke, which I am not sure I saw more than a few times before this week, but now see daily. WOTW honors go to decivilization – a term coined by Peter Zeihan, who is suddenly as popular as bespoke. In his book, The End of the World is Just the Beginning – Zeihan argues that deglobalization is leading to decivilization. (Spoiler alert: expect some catastrophizing.) BTW, I hold microcredentials in newsletters, napping and procrastination.

Closing Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, who did stretch out your hands on the cross, and redeem us by your blood, forgive me, a sinner, for none of my thoughts are hidden from you. Pardon I ask, pardon I hope for, and pardon I trust to have. You who are full of pity and merciful, spare and forgive me. Amen. (Ambrose 339-397)

¹ The Case Against The Sexual Revolution.
² Thanks to Scott Lothery, author of Always Good News, for this insight.

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