The Friday Update- November 10, 2023

Nov 9, 2023

Happy Friday,

God has led me into darkness, shutting out all light.
He has turned his hand against me again and again, all day long.

The Prophet Jeremiah
Lamentations 3:2-3

In a world riddled with war, injustice, infertility, sick children, unfaithful friends, fading health — and ten thousand other maladies — God knows that much of our life will be lived in a minor key. His loving response not only includes allowing us to vent our anger toward him, but He gives us the words to do so. Use the Psalms — or the Book of Lamentations — to process the grief that chokes your heart. They are a way forward.

Worth 1000 WordsThis picture is a metaphor for many things, perhaps principally what God sees when he looks down on us. It is not for nothing that the Bible refers to us as sheep —not panthers, lions, cougars, eagles, or anything else with the strength and intelligence to care for themselves.

FWIW: 1) At the moment, those talking to me about end-of-the-world scenarios are citing geopolitical pundits, not Daniel or Revelation; 2) I’m officially bowing out of the Dan Fogelberg love fest I unintentionally started a few weeks ago. Those who need an immediate fix can click here or here. I suggest you join the local chapter of the Dan Fogelberg Fan Club; 3) When asked what “being old” means, the most popular answer is “turning 85.” Given that the average life expectancy in the US is 79, most Americans die six years before they grow old.

Without Comment: 1) According to Teens and Screens, over half of 10- to 24-year-olds want TV shows featuring less sex and more friendship; 2) According to Pew, church growth in China has stalled; 3) According to US News & World Report, the most popular dog names in the US are: Bella, Luna, Max, Daisy, Charlie, Coco, Buddy, Lucy, Milo, and Bailey; 4) According to The NYT, trust in science dropped 17% in the last four years; and 5) USA Today recently hired a reporter whose only assignment is to report on Taylor Swift.

Not as Chilling:  Few can rival Bill Maher’s memorably damning comments about smartphones — “The tycoons of social media have to stop pretending they’re friendly nerd gods building a better world and admit they’re just tobacco farmers in T-shirts selling an addictive product to children. Phillip Morris just wanted your lungs; the App Store wants your soul.” The new go-to line is to suggest that we will soon equate allowing a child to have a smartphone with allowing them to smoke.

WOTW: Honorable mention goes to Captain Courage (the street name for the meth-like stimulant found in the bodies of some of the Hamas terrorists involved in the Oct. 7th attack on Israel), post-law (a somewhat predictable cousin of post-truth), and mammoni (single adult men still dependent on their mothers). Full honors go to sleep divorce – the growing trend of married couples to sleep in separate rooms.

IS2M: 1) Samuel Huntington — the Harvard professor who wrote The Clash of Civilizations — should be getting more ink for predicting that conflicts would be more about cultural interests than national ones and that the main clash would be between fundamentalist Islam and the West; 2) One of the reasons humility is so rare in political discourse today is because political belief and belonging now constitute many people’s core identity.

In Case You Missed It: 1) The “All In” podcast has announced that TED is dead; 2) The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expressions — FIRE — has replaced the ACLU as the go-to group protecting unpopular speech; 3) Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s legendary report — “Defining Deviancy Down” — turned thirty this month; and 4) Jesus did not say, “your truth shall set you free;” he said, “you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Trust: Click here to listen to a discussion I hosted at our first Lakelight Good Work Summit. It featured Dr. David Miller (Director of Princeton Faith and Work Initiative), Mike Zafirovski (former President of Motorola), and Tom Tropp (Chief Ethics Officer at Gallagher). The topic is restoring trust.

Closing Prayer: As I rise from sleep I thank You, O Holy Trinity, for through Your great goodness and patience You were not angered with me, an idler and sinner. You have not destroyed me in my sins, but have shown Your usual love for men, and when I was prostrate in despair, You raised me to keep the morning watch and glorify in Your power. Now enlighten my mind’s eye and open my mouth that I might study Your words, understand Your commandments and sing to You in heartfelt adoration. I praise Your Most Holy Name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever. Amen. (St Basil the Great, 330 – 379) (lightly edited)

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