The Friday Update- January 19, 2024

Jan 18, 2024

Happy Friday,

I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far;
but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.

The Apostle Paul
Philippians 1:23

Paul didn’t desire to depart to go to heaven; he desired to depart to be with Christ. Heaven would not be heaven — and salvation would not be salvation — without Jesus. He is not a means to an end; He is the glorious end itself.

Test-Driving a New Answer: When asked, “How can I know the will of God?” I tell people to: pray, study God’s Word, seek wise counsel, and then make a decision. I also say, “Don’t value the answer more than God” — i.e., don’t use God to get an answer. Use the need for an answer to drive you to God. I share this because recently, I overheard a pastor answer this question a bit differently. He instructed the questioner to “sit quietly and then respond to the ‘wisest and most loving voice’ that conforms with Scripture and engenders the Fruit of the Spirit.” I like his answer a lot. I fear it assumes that people are more conversant with Scripture and more self-aware than they are. But I like this answer.

IS2M: 1) It’s time to call X “X” and not “X (formerly Twitter).” I’ve never tweeted and follow no one, but even I know that Musk changed the company’s name. It’s time he lives with his decision; 2) Phishing schemes are getting better and better. It’s only a matter of time before I get suckered into one and my kids take away my online privileges; 3) It’s not a given that what the young think today will be society’s views tomorrow. Their views today may not even be their views tomorrow. Sixties hippies turned into Eighties yuppies; 4) Though watching the news suggests we should become preppers, the end of the world has been consistently oversubscribed. We are wise to prepare to meet God, but I suspect that is more likely to come from the end of our life, not the end of the world. I say all this because I think John Owen was on to something when he suggested that one of Satan’s greatest successes is making people think they have plenty of time before they die, so there is no rush to consider their eternal welfare.

WOTW: Honorable mention goes to robotophobe (which refers to a particular kind of Luddite) and functional binitarianism (which refers to Christ followers who think too little of — or too infrequently about —- the Holy Spirit). Full honors go to windexing, the practice of social climbers who look over the shoulders of those they are talking to, hoping to spot someone more important or interesting. According to this WSJ article, windexing is a particularly big problem at the World Economic Forum in Davos. I’d like to go on record saying I’ve never windexed anyone at Davos. Not once.

Loved Her Answer: To those whose New Year’s resolutions involved losing weight, here is a fellow traveler. I loved her answer.

Overheard: 1) A college professor told me that students no longer justify late papers by claiming their grandmother died; they now simply say, “I needed a mental health day;” 2) Someone told me that “the return address on many of our problems is now Tehran.” I thought his answer was clever, but it’s not true for me. The return address for a few of my problems may be Satan, but I’m pretty sure most of my problems have their genesis in my sinful heart; 3) It’s not just that hurt people hurt people, hurting communities hurt people; 4) we can do hard stuff for a long time, just not alone.

Worry: It turns out I’ve worried about the wrong things. Take black widow spiders. Growing up, I was pretty sure they’d be a daily threat. Turns out not so much. I haven’t seen one yet today. Or this week. Or, well, ever. I’m glad to have grown older and now be in a place where my current fears are rational, justified, and valid. 

C.S. Lewis: Next Monday — January 22nd — Lakelight is hosting Dr. Jerry Root, who will speak on the imagination of Lewis. You can register for that free lecture here. The following Tuesday — January 30th — I begin teaching a five-week Lakelight class on Lewis. It will be both live and online. You can register here.

This Moment: Last Sunday, I called an audible. Rather than review Exodus 1-19 to set up Exodus 20, I leveraged Exodus 20 to set up an overview of this moment. In this sermon – which is one part Exodus 20 and two parts Western Civ — I did my best to highlight our inflection point between the Bible’s claim that there is a universal, moral law and our culture’s claim that we are free to do whatever we choose — i.e., “you do you.” If this sounds interesting, you can listen or download the manuscript here.

On the Road with Lakelight: There are three upcoming Lakelight events: 1) On Thursday morning, Feb 22, in Bonita Springs, FL, I am speaking at a Men’s breakfast on News Rules: How and Why the News Has Changed; How these Changes are Changing You; And What to do About It. The talk —  is free, and all men are invited – is at 7 am at First Presbyterian Church of Bonita Springs, 9751 Bonita Beach Rd, Bonita Springs, FL; 2) On Thursday evening, Feb 22, in Naples, FL, I am giving a talk on C.S. Lewis at 6:30 pm. Click here to register; and 3) On Monday, February 26, at 6:30 pm in Highlands Ranch, CO, I will be giving the News Rules talk at Cherry Hills Community Church.  For more info or to register, click here.

Closing Prayer: I know what must be done. Only now am I beginning to be a disciple. May nothing of powers visible or invisible prevent me, that I may attain unto Jesus Christ. Come fire and cross and grappling’s with wild beasts, the rending of my bones and body, come all the torments of the wicked one upon me. Only let it be mine to attain unto Jesus Christ. Amen (Ignatius of Antioch,  35 – 107)

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