The Friday Update- April 26, 2024

Apr 25, 2024

Happy Friday,

How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.

Psalm 119:9

Few forces are as powerful and relentless as culture. It quietly shapes our perceptions, steers our conversations, and reworks our convictions. The good news is the Word of God is an effective and lasting counterbalance. Of course, it only works — i.e., it only shapes our loves, hopes, and imaginations — if we work it deeply into our hearts. And that requires a long obedience in the same direction. It takes work to develop an inner world that is stronger than the volume and velocity of today’s culture.

Patrick Henry as a Case Study: Though famous for a different quote, Henry’s comments shortly before his death reinforce the above point: “Here,” he said, holding up the Bible, “is a book worth more than all the other books that were ever printed: yet it is my misfortune never to have found time to read it, with the proper attention and feeling, till lately. I trust in the mercy of heaven, that it is not yet too late.”

Without Comment: 1) According to Gallup, 21% percent of us say we attend religious services every week. According to this U of C geodata tracking study, only 5 percent do; 2) According to the CDC, the US fertility rate dropped to 1.62 births per woman last year — the lowest in history. On a related note, in 1993, 60% of Americans had at least one child by the time they were 34. Today, only 27% do; 3) According to this Barna study, the percentage of US pastors seriously considering quitting the ministry dropped from 42% in ’22 to 33% in ‘23; 4) There are now 800,000 miles of fiber optic cable crisscrossing the ocean floor; and 5) According to data from the Common Application, interest in Ivy League schools is down, and interest in public universities in southern states is surging.

Quote Worth Requoting: 1) “I’d be willing to give every student in school a joint if I could take away their iPhone.” Dean of Discipline at a local Middle School. 2) “Some years ago, I was doing a seven-part series of talks on the Seven Deadly Sins at a men’s breakfast. My wife told me, ‘I’ll bet that the week you deal with greed you will have your lowest attendance.’ She was right. People packed it out for ‘Lust’ and ‘Wrath’ and even ‘Pride.’ But nobody thinks they are greedy. As a pastor I’ve had people come to me to confess that they struggle with almost every kind of sin. Almost. I cannot recall anyone ever coming to me and saying: ‘I spend too much money on myself. I think my greedy lust for money is harming my family, my soul, and people around me.’ Greed hides itself from the victim. Its MO includes blindness to your own heart.” Tim Keller, Counterfeit Gods

Clean Up: My comments about NPR in last week’s Update led several to accuse me of not making enough of the equal missteps on the right. Although I think the sins of news media on the right are different, I have no problem noting that the right is also a target-rich environment. Tragically, not everyone is as bright, balanced, and self-aware as I am.

Overheard: 1) Western Civ is looking like a trust fund running out of money; 2) You are not a disciple of Jesus if you are not making disciples yourself; 3) When a maniac is at the door, feuding brothers reconcile.

$$$: I preached about money again, thereby playing into the hands of those who say that’s all pastors talk about. I would like the record to show that I speak about money far less than some. Take Jesus. He spoke about it a lot more than I do. (Should you care, that message — which is part of the series on idolatry and which focuses more specifically on the idolatry of consumerism — is here.)

Learning to Disagree: This Sunday at 7 PM, Lakelight is livestreaming an evening with Dr. John Inazu, a political philosopher, constitutional scholar, professor of Law and Religion at Washington University, and the author of several books, most recently, Learning to Disagree. You can register here.

All Will Be Known: From time to time, someone laments that Google knows our search histories, VISA knows our spending habits, and the US Gov is listening to our phone calls. Along these lines, this Atlantic piece notes that historians will soon know what the Vatican did — or did not do — to thwart Hitler. The gist of all this is our secrets will not remain hidden. I understand the fear. Being fully exposed is a scary proposition. But it’s not Google, VISA, or The Atlantic, I fear. It’s God. Thankfully, in Christ, I am fully known and fully loved. He already knows the worst about me and loves me all the same.

Closing Prayer: O most Glorious God, in Jesus Christ my merciful and loving Father, I acknowledge and confess my guilt, in the weak and imperfect performance of the duties of this day. I have called on Thee for pardon and forgiveness of sins…Let me live according to those holy rules which Thou hast this day prescribed in Thy Holy Word; make me to know what is acceptable in Thy sight, and therein to delight, open the eyes of my understanding, and help me thoroughly to examine myself concerning my knowledge, faith and repentance, increase my faith, and direct me to the true object, Jesus Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life, Bless, O Lord, all the people of this land, from the highest to the lowest, particularly those whom Thou has appointed to rule us in church & state. Continue Thy goodness to me this night. These weak petitions, I humbly implore Thee to hear, accept and answer for the sake of Thy Dear Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. (George Washington)

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