The Friday Update – November 29, 2024

Nov 27, 2024

Happy Friday,

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” 

Luke 1:31-38

It’s common to think our value is enhanced by money, power, education, eloquence, or connections. Mary had none of these, and yet she was highly favored by God. The world exalts powerful Caesars and self-important Herods. God delights in courageous shepherds and humble lambs.  

Being Thankful is a Skill: Hopefully, you gained something this week besides a few pounds. Alongside much turkey came many articles noting that God commands gratitude, listing our blessings improves our outlook, and happiness does not lead to thankfulness, but thankfulness leads to happiness and more. 

Overheard: 1) If someone has to declare a setting “a safe space,” you can be sure it’s not. 2) The older I get, the earlier it gets late. 3) The evangelical church has two types of critics—those who fault her for not keeping her theology and those who fault her for doing so. 4) An ever-expanding definition of “neighbor” accompanies spiritual growth. 5) The future will present the Western church with stronger headwinds and greater opportunities—and we’re not ready for either; and 6) The digital disruption of publishing has found its level at about 30%—i.e., about 30% of book sales are digital. The new question is, “How will AI upset the trade?”  

Without Comment: 1) The Church is growing 13x faster in the Global South than it is in the West. 2) Per the US debt clock, federal debt is >$36T, which is about $273K per taxpayer. 3) According to The Day America Told the Truth, 25% of people would abandon their family for $10M. Likewise, 25% would abandon their church, 23% would become prostitutes for a week, 16% would give up their citizenship, 16% would leave their spouses, 7% would kill a stranger, and 3% would put their children up for adoption. 4) Per this Variety article, The Chosen has surpassed 200M viewers. 5) Per this Cornell University report, 1 in 4 Americans is estranged from a family member. 6) Per this WSJ article, only 4% of the 1,500 global climate resolutions have produced a reduction in emissions; and 7) Per this WAPO study, Americans list “place of worship” as their “happiest place on earth” and “workplace” next to last.

WOTW: Honorable mention goes to Glicked (Hollywood’s efforts to repeat the magic of the mash-up Barbenheimer with a Gladiator/Wicked combo). Full honors go to both corporate media industrial complex and political information complex, which stand alongside legacy press, establishment media, mainstream media, prestige media, fake news, lame-stream media, and presstitute (a merger of press and prostitute). I am tapping them in light of the shellacking the media took in this last election cycle. People are listening to and trusting it less and less. (And this is a very troublesome development.)

WOTY: For the last 50 years, Time has announced a Person of the Year, and the Oxford English Dictionary has proclaimed a WOTY. The first gets more press, but the second is more telling. Past winners of various publishers include: bling (‘00), Axis of Evil (‘02), bail out (‘08), tweet (‘09), app (‘10), hashtag (‘12), selfie (‘13), vape (‘14), post-truth (‘16), toxic (‘18), the nonbinary pronoun they (‘19), lockdown (‘20), vax (‘21), influencer (‘22), and social acceleration (‘23). The Cambridge Dictionary has already announced manifest as their 2024 WOTY. It refers to methods such as visualization and affirmation (repeating positive phrases) in the belief that doing so will make it more likely that they will happen. 

Christmas Patience: Just as ER docs know hot summer nights drive up ER traffic, pastors know that Decembers—i.e., family gatherings (or the lack thereof), year-end deadlines, financial strain, and spiked eggnog—are full of pastoral care. Please help. Be kind and patient to others. Absorb pain. Remember Anne Lamott’s insight: “The game of life is hard, and a lot of us are playing hurt.” 

Looking for a Christmas Gift for Your Spouse? Bezos has suggestions, but if you want something more meaningful, Jimmy Carter once gift-wrapped a note to Rosalyn that promised to never complain about her being late again. (If you order now, it will arrive by next Wed.) 

Quotes Worth Requoting: 1) “There is but one just use of power, and it is to serve people. Help us to remember it, Lord. Amen.” George H.W. Bush; 2) “Those that travel the high road of humility in Washington are not bothered by heavy traffic.” Former Senator Alan Simpson; and 3)The world has in fact never seen, except once, the kind of king we mean when we speak of Christ the king. Instead of a throne, our king reigns from a cross and rules on his knees. His crown is thorns. His orb and scepter, a basin and towel. His law is love.” James Koester

T-Day Pardon: Much is made of US Presidents’ ceremonial pardon of two turkeys this time every year. Let me suggest we focus instead on the actual pardon extended to us through the crucifixion of the Son of God.

Resources: If you are not signed up for the five-minute daily video devotions we put out, you can sign up here. Advent devotions start on Monday. 

Closing Prayer: Give us, O Lord, a steadfast heart, which no unworthy affection may drag downwards; an unconquered heart, which no tribulation can wear out; give us an upward heart, which no unworthy purpose may tempt aside. Bestow upon us also, O Lord, understanding to know you, diligence to seek you, wisdom to find you, and a faithfulness that may finally embrace you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (Thomas Aquinas, 1225-1274)

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