The Friday Update- December 15, 2023

Happy Friday, Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1:18ff Many consider it God’s job to keep their life easy. As a data point, Mary’s life got much harder...

The Friday Update- December 8, 2023

Happy Friday I was forcibly carried off from the land of the Hebrews, and even here I have done nothing to deserve being put in a dungeon. Joseph, Genesis 40:15 It’s worth noting what Joseph does not say. More than a decade after he had been sold into slavery,...

The Friday Update- December 1, 2023

Happy Friday, I try to please everyone in everything I do. Paul, I Corinthians 10:33 In these confusing and contentious times, the path forward is often both elusive and challenging — i.e., simple solutions seldom are. (If a plan is simple, it’s not a solution....

The Friday Update- November 24, 2023

Happy Friday, The Lord called to the man, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:9 For several months now, asking, “What time is it?” has been the stylish way to suggest someone needed to wake up to what was going on in the world. Let the record show God asked a form of the...