The Friday Update- October 13, 2023

Happy Friday, For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. Paul, 2 Corinthians 4 Given that little has felt light or fleeting about recent events, it’s imperative that we remind ourselves of God’s love and our...

The Friday Update- October 6, 2023

Happy Friday, Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God. King David, Psalm 43 Those who are acquainted only with David’s “wins” — e.g., his victory over Goliath, his musical and literary skills, his ascendancy to the throne, and...

The Friday Update- September 29, 2023

Happy Friday, To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy – to the only God our Savior – be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all...

The Friday Update- September 22, 2023

Happy Friday, I will be with you. The Lord, Exodus 3:12 When Moses claimed he was incapable of leading the Jews out of Egypt, God replied, “I will be with you.” He said the same thing to Joshua after Moses passed away, and the responsibility of getting the...

The Friday Update- September 15, 2023

Happy Friday, Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper. The Prophet Jeremiah Though some think otherwise, our assignment is not to lord over the kingdoms of...