To Die is Gain

Happy Friday, To live is Christ and to die is gain. The Apostle Paul, Philippians 1 If offered a choice between Heaven or Hell, people favor the former. Offered a choice between Heaven and Earth, most choose the latter. Not Paul. He longed to leave this land of the...

The Three Forms of Our Disquiet

Happy Friday, Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 The twenty-first century leaves many agitated. Our disquiet comes in three forms. The most basic is the nagging sense that we should be checking our phone, attending to email or finishing some half-baked...

The Path to Growth

Happy Friday In this world you will have trouble. Jesus, John 16:33 We tend to be troubled by our troubles. That is, we allow our sadness to be multiplied because we do not expect it. It does not have to unfold that way. After all, Jesus told us to expect trials. In...

You can no longer hear any music.

Happy Friday “Our Father…” Jesus, The Lord’s Prayer   During this moment when families, churches, colleges, civic groups, small groups, legislative bodies, countries and more are riddled with acrimony, it’s worth pondering the first word of the prayer Jesus...

Where Else Can We Go?

Happy Friday Lord, where else can we go?  You alone have the words of eternal life. Peter, John 6:68 The crowds following Jesus grew when He fed them and shrank when He explained the true cost of following Him. After one such explanation – which had prompted a large...