Don’t Grow Weary of Doing Good

Happy Friday,   Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper. The Prophet Jeremiah, Jeremiah 29:7   Though some think otherwise, our assignment is not...

Allow Yourself to be Stunned

Happy Friday,   How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Psalm 104:24   There are 5,000 known species of sponges on the ocean floor. Five thousand. There are 300,000 species of beetles. There is a similarly...

Embracing Solomon’s Counsel

Happy Friday: A gentle answer turns away wrath. Solomon, Prov. 15:1 I keep praying that pols, journalists, influencers, celebrities and others with access to a microphone will embrace Solomon’s counsel. In the meantime, I’m suggesting you give it a try. I do this not...

Love Your Enemy

Happy Friday Love your enemies. Jesus, Sermon on the Mount Loving people is hard. Loving unlovable people is harder. Loving our enemies is harder still. But it is what we are called to do. As I have noted before, this does not mean we are to work to turn our enemies...