October 23, 2020

Happy Friday. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Hebrews 12:1 Neither the Dems nor the Republicans will deliver the world you want. Neither capitalism nor socialism can fix what ails us. Our hope must rest in Christ.Why and What: Herod saw red when a new king was born; the...

October 16, 2020

Whom have I in Heaven, but you? Psalm 73:25 We long for Heaven for several reasons – e.g., we want to see loved ones who have passed away, we want to flee this troubled world, we want a body that is free of pain, etc. But what makes Heaven Heaven is that God is...

October 9, 2020

Happy Friday. When He cut them down, they came running for help; they turned and pled for mercy. Psalm 78:34 It’s not popular to reflect on God’s judgment, but it is important to do so. For starters, we should note basic things like: 1) it comes in two...

October 2, 2020

Happy Friday. Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. The Apostle Paul, 2 Cor. 9:6 We’re told God loves a cheerful giver. Televangelists spin this to imply their followers should help them buy a second jet. In response, thoughtful people wince. As we should....

September 25, 2020

Happy Friday. You were called for this, so that you may inherit a blessing. The Apostle Peter There is a reason health and wealth types avoid I Peter. The “this” we are called to “in order that we might inherit a blessing” is suffering. I note this because, while this...